My mom packed me and my sister raw chicken patties for Chicken Sometime You Just Gotta Say Shirt a couple of days back when we still did packed lunches. I only found out because I decided to make a sandwich at home and recognized the look of the uncooked chicken as I was trying to cook it. I can’t say it tasted like mushy, but the texture was honestly awful, and it left a weird taste in the mouth afterward. Also shat weirdly for like a week afterwards. Another automatic here. For me, it is all about the texture. Some healthy foods have a terrible texture, and some shitty foods have a great texture or mix of textures. It really depends on how grainy the food is, and sadly, healthy food has, more often than not, the textures of sawdust.
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There isn’t much of a taste but the texture is a lot slimmer than cooked chicken and the muscle fibers are harder to bite through. I’m trying to think of a good analogy but it’s hard, the closest thing I can think of is like raw fish if it had lots of very al dente spaghetti running through it. If I had to rate the experience I would say better than puking out of your nose and feeling the vomit chunks, but worse than biting the head off of a fish. I was served raw chicken strips at an amusement park as a kid, on Chicken Sometime You Just Gotta Say Shirt multiple unrelated occasions have puked out of my nose, and have bit the head off of a pink salmon. The first thing that hits you is that it’s not warm and you notice it fucking Ricky tick.
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Happened to me man I just had internal hemorrhoids. Had to do a colonoscopy to find out, was not fun. The doctor told me it was either that or cancer and that was the only way to tell. Better to Chicken Sometime You Just Gotta Say Shirt get checked out than regret you didn’t later in life though. No after the colonoscopy the bleeding stopped. It had been happening regularly for about a year prior. I did clean up my drinking and diet so I’m thinking my system just got healthier overall around that time. If it’s bright red that’s usually better then dark red, you would rather have fresh blood then old blood. Most likely means a small fissure or some hemorrhoids burst when it’s red, dark red most likely means internal bleeding.
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