Do you really think the Funny Yeah I’m That Guy April Fools Warning Cat Jester Prankster Shirt media only bashes on left-wingers? If this wasn’t Reddit I would think you were being sarcastic. No, occasionally the Murdoch media in Australia will present something positive about Labor or the Greens and also occasionally, something negative about the Lib/Nats. That is far from the rule though. We’re talking about media calling themselves “news” that unironically photoshops nazi uniforms onto Labor politicians and slaps them on the front page while also plastering their papers with hero shots of right-wing reactionaries. During elections no less.
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If the best you can do is Funny Yeah I’m That Guy April Fools Warning Cat Jester Prankster Shirts pretend I’m saying that there is 100% no positive coverage AT ALL of the more left wing parties and 100% no negative coverage of the Coalition then you must find yourself in a pretty indefensible position. Never watched any of those guys, have seen enough Sky News to clearly see what it is though. If you won’t actually watch sky news with an open mind then what’s the point of even engaging you? There are two sides to everything you know. Yes, and Sky News specializes in misrepresenting both of them. One positively and one negatively. Also, two sides don’t mean both are equally valid, usually far from the case.
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