I don’t understand how you can Luxury What A Lovely Day To Teach Inclusion Sped Teacher Vintage Shirt say the “woke left” is a faction of the right in any way. It’s the exact same pendulum on the exact same clock, swung all the way in the other direction. It’s just as divisive. People are SO caught up in the rhetoric and moral high ground. The attitude of “anyone who supports and votes for trump won’t be accepted into society. And I won’t feel bad for it” is just as toxic as that same crowd’s impression of WHY Trump has to go. I’m not defending Trump by any means, but the attitude that being a Democrat makes. You better than everyone is so toxic and scary.
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Imagine having the attitude that you and Luxury What A Lovely Day To Teach Inclusion Sped Teacher Vintage Shirts your political party walk on water due to your holier than thou ideas. Accountability is the most important thing with regard to our attitude toward politicians. And the “woke left” is in blind reverence of Biden/DNC solely on the basis that they’re not Trump, but history tells us that they’re just as bad in different ways. The DNC has embarrassed itself many times, and the likely reason Trump is in office is that they (admittedly!) rigged their nomination for Hillary as president when everyone and their mother knew the people wanted Bernie.
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