While we’re at it, let’s ignore that Nice Avoid Negativity Math Pun Equation Graph Functions Shirt radicalization never happens in an environment where people have economic safety and security. The amount of things you could mean with that makes it hard for me to agree with you. Like, sure. Jewish people could consider radicalized to hate the Nazis. Because they are being put in concentration camps….is it radical to have those feelings. When do they want to expunge you out of existence? I don’t think. So same for a gay person hating a fundamentalist Christian and wanting to rid them of the influence of their life. Because it’s a direct danger to them.
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Which honestly, modern conservativism in the US is built on the above concept only who. And what is “well off” isn’t a concrete concept. Capitalism replaced slavery and the winners Nice Avoid Negativity Math Pun Equation Graph Functions Shirts deserve it. It through “merit” a concept dubiously presumed without a critique of pre-existing advantage or use of the rules…which is easy to grasp (just like white supremacy). Fox News will make you believe your 90k income is under threat to the mob when it’s not…they just want you to believe you are part of the successful ingroup that persecutes for their wealth and not the means by which some members of that ingroup are accruing that wealth. The problems always end up being convenient patsies that delineate along with race and outgroup identity.
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