Bet they won’t be so tough this weekend when it’s a large numbers of adults protesting likely with state level law enforcement in attendance. They’re only badasses when they have a bunch of kids outnumbered and the corrupt local police on their side. They manufacture stories of antifa rioters coming to Raccoon You Got Spaghetti All Over Your Damn Face Vintage Shirt burn down the town like Sherman in Atlanta. Then they show up and intimidate and attack teenagers and college kids holding signs asking for justice and accountability. Then they ride off posting on Facebook how they’re the heroes that saved the town from terrorists and commies. They (the police) are claiming that the officers didn’t see what happened. neither the cop standing literally right in front of him or the one just to his back left, off camera. If that’s how much attention they pay to what’s going on, I’m sure Bethel must be a lovely place to live. Reduced work hours mean 4 day weekend starting now. Seriously thinking about driving to Bethel in the morning.
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I haven’t been this mad about a video since yesterday. But I really really want to go support that girl. And I’m hoping to have a few minutes alone with that fuckstick that tore her sign up. Bunch of tough guys need a reality check. Bethel is about 45 minutes east of Cincinnati, anyone who wants to can start off in or near Cincy. I would just say be very smart and careful with your transportation. I can easily see a lot of weapon carrying bikers circling the town and trying to chase people out. Similar to Raccoon You Got Spaghetti All Over Your Damn Face Vintage Shirt what happened with the camping bus up in western Washington State. It’s about being pro white supremacy more than being pro police. There are cops all over the country involved in white supremacy groups and even white supremacy biker clubs. I cant believe this is Ohio.I’m from Canada and this looks like a Hollywood movie set to me.
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I cant believe people actually look and behave like that in a place less than a 6 hour drive away. I’m shocked. I assumed it was Alabama or something. The protestor was the ultimate example of how to react. Turned the punch into a joke at the expense of the puncher, refused to engage and escalate the situation, and called the police out on their failures. I’d like to support him in some fashion. Yeah on that thread someone said something about it being in Texas and I commented its Ohio because I feel like too few people recognize how widespread racism, aggressive racism at that, is throughout the US. Needless to say my first trips up north were shocking when I found most cities far more segregated than ours in the Raccoon You Got Spaghetti All Over Your Damn Face Vintage Shirt south . I guess my point is just that you shouldn’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. That said, assholes like the people in this video are a lost cause.
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