If there was some mountain lion out and about that kept trying to attack/eat my little dogs, I’d do my damnedest to kill the thing regardless of who owned it. People who let their cats outside get really defensive about it too. “Oooh Fluffy is happier when I let him outside”. No he’s not, that’s just putting your human emotions on a cat. Give him more stimulation inside and guess what, you’ll both be happier when Fluffy lives to be 13 instead of 4. I agree and barn cats are a whole different story, typically people with a barn cat don’t live somewhere that their cat isn’t a nuisance for their neighbors. They have plenty of acres on Blood Inside Me Johnson Controls Shirt their property for the cat to have space to roam around and do it’s job.
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There are also so many feral and semi-feral cats out there that can be rescued and adopted out as barn cats. People don’t need to Blood Inside Me Johnson Controls Shirt take kittens and friendly cats and make them into barn cats. Years ago I was renting a garage from a friend in a suburban housing development so I could fix an old truck I owned. Whenever I was over there, a super friendly stray cat would come and hang out with me, we became buddies. When I was working on the water pump, I had to drain all the antifreeze into a shallow pan. The cat refused to stay away from the antifreeze pan, so I picked her up and carried her around to the neighbors trying to figure out who owned her so they could keep her inside temporarily.
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When I finally found the owner, she told me “that cat was originally my daughters, but I am a single mom who works two jobs and my daughter has <some afterschool thing> so we can’t care for her anymore. If you want her, I will pay for her to get spayed.” I’ve always been told of I put anti freeze in my car. To Blood Inside Me Johnson Controls Shirt instantly clean up any spill. Cats and dogs will both lick it up because it smells sweet to them and it’s basically a death sentence for them. The treatment for ethylene glycol is Ethyl Alcohol. The idea is that if you put a bunch of ethanol in you it’ll compete for the metabolites that make antifreeze into poisonous stuff. So it passes out of your body as ethylene glycol instead of what really poisons you, glycoaldehyde, glycolic acid, and glyoxylic acid.
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