his man is a Good Mickey Mouse And Minnie Mouse From Our First Kiss Shirt unending source of entertainment if you’re not gullible enough to buy any of his stuff. It’s so funny to hear him go from yelling about Satanists killing babies to fund their global warming propaganda machine. And then seamlessly transition to a plug for his survival buckets or gold sales. What makes him so. I don’t even know what word to use but…the fact that he takes a sliver of the truth and then turns it into pure unadulterated insanity is hilarious and terrifying. There are so many people that do. I have a friend who takes everything Alex Jones says as gospel, it’s deeply concerning. There was a time I became fascinated at how sharp an Exacto knife was because I was able to easily shave some thin soft hairs off my arm. Then one time I decided to shave my pubes. I’m impressed when I find out people use straight razors on themselves, I don’t have a beard to shave but I wouldn’t want to use one on myself.
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The funny thing is, there are Good Mickey Mouse And Minnie Mouse From Our First Kiss Shirts a pesticide called Atrazine that wreaks havoc on male frogs. Chemically castrates like 75% of those that come into contact with it and actually turns 10% into females. Not turning them gay, of course… but it’s closer to the truth than 90% of what that crazy-ass man says. If I even hear Mitch’s name in the same paragraph as a pro bowler, I’m finna kill somebody. Don’t forget they will first defeat KD in the AFC Championship game since he’s obviously currently on the Chiefs. The first player to sit the whole season for load management.
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