Yeah, just to ride this comment, girlfriend works at Apple, do not buy any Apple products from Craigslist, EBay, etc. or at least be very skeptical if you do. People steal stuff from the stores all the time and all the devices are registered. So if you buy a stolen item off a third party, it won’t work, and if you take it to an Apple store to get it fixed it will be flagged as stolen. They will commandeer the item and you will be out hundreds of dollars. I bought a used cell phone a few years ago and I just had the person meet me at No One Is Illegal On Stolen Land Girl Skullcap Shirt a Verizon store, had them go in with me so the employees could verify it wasn’t stolen, and then set it up for me so I knew everything worked for my carrier. Then I handed over the cash for the phone. The girl I bought the phone from was fantastic and 100% on board with having to wait so the phone could be verified and set up. I would not buy from someone who is unwilling to go into a cellular store with you before you hand them money.
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I too had worked at Apple, one of our sister stores was robbed at night, a group of people drove a vehicle though the front of the store and stole most or all the display devices. A few months later, some kid comes to the Genius Bar where I worked, said he bought the iPhone on Craigslist, and couldn’t get it to work. We plugged the serial number into iRepair. Usually you can actually check for yourself. Have a specific format, which at the very least will tell you the manufacturer, country of origin, and the like. You can also check for inconsistencies between VINs on the vehicle. If the VIN inside the door and the VIN on the No One Is Illegal On Stolen Land Girl Skullcap Shirt dash don’t match up, don’t buy it. If any is damaged, obscured, or otherwise modified, don’t buy it. Possession of a vehicle with a missing altered universally a felony. It’s not even necessarily about trust, but rather just knowing what you’re working with. If any private seller or dealership refused to let me have a used car inspected I would immediately nope out of there.
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I bought a used cell phone a few years ago and I just had the person meet me at a Verizon store, had them go in with me so the employees could verify it wasn’t stolen, and then set it up for me so I knew everything worked for my carrier. Then I handed over the cash for the phone. With Swappa, their staff are the only people that see the phone’s IMEI until the phone is purchased, so you reduce the risk of some stranger fishing for IMEI numbers finding yours and doing nefarious things with it. At least in the states, your gf either doesn’t have a clue or she’s lying. I’ve worked at Apple and we would never confiscate anything even if we know it’s stolen. Just deny service. You can’t necessarily “flag” something as stolen either. Most we could do is physically notate it, but that doesn’t really follow our etiquette, plus the customer gets a copy of the No One Is Illegal On Stolen Land Girl Skullcap Shirt notes we type up via email.
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